First Attempt


New member
OK, I finally got the courage to cut one of my Mushrooms, I took it out of the water and cut it off at the base and it melted. I continued on and took the part I cut off and glued it to a plug. When I cut it, it speud everything it had, hopefully I did good . I will be keeping an eye on it in the coming days
good luck! im trying to work up the courage myself i hope it turns out well!!! are you running carbon? i heard that helps in the process
The hardest part of getting a mushroom fragged is grabbing the slippery little thing;) They will give you a good squirt while out of the aquarium too!
The first time I tried moving a shroom, I cut it at the base and it seemed to spew guts and looked like I just shredded it so I tossed it and chalked one up to experience. Then 10 days later what do you know, it started growing back where I cut it :)
its going to be tough to glue freshly cut shrooms to anything. The best thing to do is place the cut frag in a cup full of rubble. cover the cup with mesh or anything that will let light and flow in but the shroom from floating out. In a few days the shroom will attach itself to the rubble. you can then glue that to anything you want.

anything left on the original rock will most likely grow back into a new head. don't be affraid if it looks like guts are coming out. Its just stressed out and will heal. I don't think i've ever killed a mushroom. cut one and it comes back as a few smaller ones. I've been throwing them away and they still are taking over my tank.