First macro shots


New member
Using a Canon EOS 450D with a Tamron 90mm lens. Set to manual focus. Used timer and tripod. Camera set in AV mode. F11. ISO 200. RAW format. Ordered Photoshop but havent gotten yet and haven't played with white balance at all. Used Picasa to view and crop it to the current size and view.

Would appreciate any and all feedback to help me improve my shots.


You're off to a really nice start, adjusting the WB will only improve your results. Keep shooting!

I agree - and good job using the tripod and timer. Watch for reflections on the glass too. On the second image there seems to be "blob" (faint) righ in the middle of the polyp. it might have been just some stuff in the water but it's worth mentioning to keep an eye out for that stuff.
I agree - and good job using the tripod and timer. Watch for reflections on the glass too. On the second image there seems to be "blob" (faint) righ in the middle of the polyp. it might have been just some stuff in the water but it's worth mentioning to keep an eye out for that stuff.

I saw that too, looks like reflection from shooting with room lights on, in the right corner there looks like another reflection. even in a dark room you still might have light sources...I turn my lights off but I have a mirror across from the tank that messes things up if I don't cover it...wall outlet night lights too.

Otherwise, great start...look better than mine did.

Edit: sorry sent from phone = English fail

lens perpendicular to the glass at all times too.
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Thanks all. Flow was off, but I may have had a light on. The perpendicular may require a new tripod as i cant get to all areas with mine. Thanks for pointing out the blob, I didnt notice it. I will keep shooting and will post some more soon. Thanks again.
Thanks all. Flow was off, but I may have had a light on. The perpendicular may require a new tripod as i cant get to all areas with mine. Thanks for pointing out the blob, I didnt notice it. I will keep shooting and will post some more soon. Thanks again.

Eh, no need for a new tripod...if you go through my photo thread on here most of my photos were taken with a laundry basket setting on a chair :lolspin: you'll notice a big difference with the lens perpendicular though, and less off a chance for blobs and blur too.
Looks really good. I'd bump up the contrast a bit and possibly add just a little brightness to the first shot, but I'm also looking at these pictures with an uncalibrated monitor, so it may not be quite as dark as it looks. But you've got the essential part: a nicely composed, well captured image. A little extra post processing will make the difference between a good picture and a great one. And yeah, turning off all external lights, to include closing shades will be a huge help.