This is Tony (Sharkonwheels) apparently, there's something wrong with that account, in that anything I click, asks me to log in again. Click 'Post Reply" and I get a login prompt, and then I log in. Enter a message, click Post, and I get another login, etc...
First off, I want to thank everyone for the assist.
I especially want to send a shout to NickInMiami - this cat was with me from 11pm until 3am Sunday night.
Not only did he provide the rubbermaid container to immediately quarantine the worst-affected fish, and not only the air pump, stone, and airline, and not only the heater, but even the medication, copper testing kit, and saltwater to boot!!!
loyal: thanks for the offer, but I couldn't take you up on it because of the issues I had here.
reddawg34: I never got your PM at all. I can READ PM's, I just can't send or reply to them (under that account).
I hope the admins/mods don;t get ticked at me for making another account, but I had to get on here and give thanks, especially to Nick.
Turns out he's a longtime friend of a co-worker of mine.
Small world indeed....
Seems ich is some great mystery, so i plan on doing a little research, while battling. Nick and I quarantined my Purple Tang, Kole Tang, and Half-and-Half Wrasse in one tank, and we're using Cupramin in there.
I have a Foxface Lo, 2 clowns, and a red-spotted cardinal (all ut the foxface are 1" long) in a 10g (for now - see? i need tank space Steve!!) and I am using Kordon Rid-Ich+ in there (Formalin and zinc-free malachite green-based).
The originals undergoing Cupramin are OK and kicking. The Purple Tang was literally covered completely. he looked like he was salted to be fried!!! The rest in that tank had a few white spots.
In the 10g, the Foxface has about 8-10 spots, the clowns and cardinal have none. I figured just for good measure.
I hit them with about a 75% dose of Rid-Ich+, to go a bit easy.
Oh, btw, the 10g was loaned by another good samaritan out in West Pines. Bob, i don;t know if you frequent here, but thanks! He provided a 10g with lighted hood, heater, PVC, and I only needed to add a filter.
I have a Marineland Penguin 330 dual-biowheel filter running on the 72g to maybe get some bio-filter building, so I can put it on whatever tank I get.
Alternatively, if someone has a 30-40g tank, with wooden stand (light-colored) they are selling, not too tall or bulky, let me know.
I need a 2nd tank, and will later acquire a 3rd for Q-Tank/Hospital.
Moral of the story: Quarantine, quarantine, quarantine!
I went too fast, for too long, with too little precaution.
C'est la vie - we live and learn, and this is a hard lesson!
"tanks" for helping out, folks!