First Mushroom coral


New member
Well I was thinkng about dipping my foot in the water and try out some corals. This will be my first one so I want to do it right you know don't want a bad first impression. Well the the one I was thinking about was a mushroom my lfs has a few on a some live rock and I was thinking about getting. Now a friend has some that has been doing really well under the regular old light. Don't know how long he has had them but look great and I was wondering if they can live under that since they really don't need a whole lot of light any way. I guess what I'm tring to say is what is the chances of a mushroom liveing under that kind of lighting conditions
What king of lighting do you have. Shrooms in general don't really need much light. I keep mine on the sand bed under an overhang.
I've grown them under hardware store variety floursecent bulbs- the kind labelled for plants. Just gotta change bulbs once a year, or every 8months if your feeling charitable.

Hope that helps.
Well I have just the Regular 18" aquarium light. Went to my buds house and asked him about his mushroom he said that he has had his for almost 3 months under the light he has. He said the light he is using is the light that came with the tank and that I should be fine with the light that I have but want another person input on it
shrooms are good under pretty much any lighting conditions. i've kept them under regular stock fluorescents, t-5s, halides. as long as there's light and your watch quality is decent they'll live and multiply.
Well I did go and get the rock so far they seem to be doing ok and all but just was wondering what do they eat and what was the best way of doing it.
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