First Mushroom Split!


New member
I am a proud mother of a newly split mushroom!

I moved a mushroom to the bottom of the tank because it wouldn't attach. It put it self on two different rocks and after about a week it is now 2 mushrooms! The larger section was spitting its guts for a little while but has seamed to stop. I know this is because of stress but could the split do this as well? I am excited that I now have two very lovely half dollar sized green and blue and red harry mushrooms! I just had to share my excitement!
Good job! I usually dont have enough patience to just sit and wait for them to split so I cut mine. But I just setup a new 10 gallon for mushrooms and ric's and I am going to do my best to just let them do their thing and not interfere.

I'd have to agree with lance, I don't have the patience to wait for the mushrooms to split them selfs but either way i hope that guy keeps moving around for you.
I really wasnt waiting for it to split. It just sorta did! Maybe it didnt like being on two rocks so it became two. I dunno. I do have another mushroom that has 2 mouths and has been trying to split for 2 months. Its a slow mover I guess. To each their own! Thanks!
I have an orange ricordea floridia that has had two mouths for over a year. One of these days I'm just going to cut it down the middle.
I usually take about 1/2 gallon of tank water and put it in a bucket then take the coral out of the tank and put it in the bucket with the tank water and take it to where I cut and everything. After I cut I put it back in the bucket and swirl it around to get the brown slime off of the pieces to help prevent infection and then put the coral back into the tank, dumping out the 1/2 gallon of water from the bucket. Try to do one cut with a sharp blade.