First Zoes


New member
I just got my first zoes today. is it ok that i gently separated them from the frag rock they came on or should i have left them on it?
It's up to you, you can leave them on it, glue them to new rock work or frag disk. Just make sure you dip them, place them in the bottom first to acclimate to your tank lighting/flow/environment then slowly move them up as time goes on.
well i didnt know that. LFS said to just float them, then put them in a bucket with their water and a cup of my water for a little bit. earlier they were both open then i took the one off of the frag because it was the size of a recees cup and i couldnt take it. when i left and came back 4 hours later that zoe did not open again. hope that isnt a bad sign.
yea thats what i was reading, i was just wondering because they did open up a little bit before i took them off the frag. maybe they just had a little extra shock after the removal. I can wait for them to start spreading.
it took my purple hornets almost a month to open fully to see them in all their glory. its like watching a pot boil.
Yeah it's how it always starts out. LFS has some cheap ZOA/PALY frags, you pick up a few. While in there, you see some corals that go for ?$ p/popyp and you think to yourself, "who in their right mind would spend that kind of money on coral". A few months latter, those run of the mill colors just wont do, but you've learned a lot with those initial hardy beast and all of a sudden, you start spending $20 a popyp or $50 a frag. doesn't stop there. Soon the new trend (i.e hornets) are out and everyone whose worth their weight in salt, has to have them in their collect. Next comes dedicated frag tanks.....and it just keeps going. Yes, welcome to the addiction!