Fish are not swimming around


New member
The last 2 days my fish have been staying in the reef and not swimming around I checked my pars and ammonia was 0, nitrates 0, ph was 8.2,. The only thing high was the phosphates at .25. Could that be bothering the fish to the point they are being damaged. Also I have a Royal Gramma that has been hiding. It hadn't seen it in a day or so and after a long look, I found it in a impossible place. I got him out of there and it hid again and I haven't seen it a 2 days. The fish is 3 inches long. That's a lot of color to be hiding without finding. Is that enough phosphates yogurt the fish thT bad. Thanks in advance for yourcomments
If the are not newly added, They may hide when scared or when sick.

That six-line is he rather new, some can be quite annoying and agressive.