Hi all,
How does this stocking look for a 75 gallon aquarium with LPS coral?
1 Melanurus Wrasse
1 yellow longnose butterflyfish
1 black clownfish
2 orange clownfish
1 blue-green chromis
1 flame hawkfish
Is this stock ok, over stock or understocked? Any compatibility issues? I have bristleworms and keyhole limpets so I'm hoping the longnose and wrasse will help.
How does this stocking look for a 75 gallon aquarium with LPS coral?
1 Melanurus Wrasse
1 yellow longnose butterflyfish
1 black clownfish
2 orange clownfish
1 blue-green chromis
1 flame hawkfish
Is this stock ok, over stock or understocked? Any compatibility issues? I have bristleworms and keyhole limpets so I'm hoping the longnose and wrasse will help.