New member
I have a 55 gallon tank. I have kept fish only before, but this is the first time I have kept coral and fish. This particular set-up was established 11-17-2015. On 3-31-2017 something diasterous happened. I woke-up and had 2 new Mandarins purchased 3-18 & 3-25 (I realize now my tank was to new for 2), a Kole Tang purchased 1-19, a Flame Angel purchased 1-19, a Watchman Gobbie purchased in the beginning, and a Saddle Valentini purchased 1-2. I had a Sailfin Algae Blenny that has been missing for weeks. I went and purchased a hospital tank and placed my 4 clowns, 2 PJ Cardinals, 2 Chromis, and Yellow and White Wrasse into it.
Ammonia .25, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 60, PH 8.4, Allallinity 10, Calicum 500, Magnesium 1400, Salinity 1.30
I did a 10% water changed, a few days later I did a 20% water change, and a 2 weeks later I did a 50% water change not wanting to destroy my bacteria. My water was testing almost perfect so I reintroduced my my PJ's back into the aquarium. They passed away within a matter of hours. They passed away during the drip acclimation process when trying to put them back in the smaller tank. They were acting lethargic and gasping for breath.
Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, PH 8.3, Allallinity 11, Calicum 480, Magnesium 1200, Salinity 1.027
My Anemones, Candy Cane Coral, Yellow Finger Gorgonian Sea Fan and Red Montipora are doing great. My Xenia, Kenya Tree, Zoanthids, Blastumussa, Acan, and Duncan are staying most closed. I moved the Blastumussa and Zoanthids to the smaller tank and they are opening more and doing better. I have a Ponape Birdnest and my Seriatopra Birds of Paradise that have turned white (bleached), but is still growing. My Red Planet is not really grown or been bleached.
I get a tingling sensation when I put my arm in this tank now. I think that is all. I know my tank was overstocked, but I had stepped up my 10% water changes and vacuuming.
Oh yeah. My long hair green algae in abundant, so I placed 5 Emerald Crabs, and 4 Red Scarlet Hermit Crabs in the tank and they are doing fine along with my Horseshoe crab purchased 2-9 and my Conch Snail purchased 12-16-15.
The LFS no longer has any suggestion so any help will be appreciated. I have been running a poly-filter and it has turned tan indicating organic matter.
Ammonia .25, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 60, PH 8.4, Allallinity 10, Calicum 500, Magnesium 1400, Salinity 1.30
I did a 10% water changed, a few days later I did a 20% water change, and a 2 weeks later I did a 50% water change not wanting to destroy my bacteria. My water was testing almost perfect so I reintroduced my my PJ's back into the aquarium. They passed away within a matter of hours. They passed away during the drip acclimation process when trying to put them back in the smaller tank. They were acting lethargic and gasping for breath.
Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, PH 8.3, Allallinity 11, Calicum 480, Magnesium 1200, Salinity 1.027
My Anemones, Candy Cane Coral, Yellow Finger Gorgonian Sea Fan and Red Montipora are doing great. My Xenia, Kenya Tree, Zoanthids, Blastumussa, Acan, and Duncan are staying most closed. I moved the Blastumussa and Zoanthids to the smaller tank and they are opening more and doing better. I have a Ponape Birdnest and my Seriatopra Birds of Paradise that have turned white (bleached), but is still growing. My Red Planet is not really grown or been bleached.
I get a tingling sensation when I put my arm in this tank now. I think that is all. I know my tank was overstocked, but I had stepped up my 10% water changes and vacuuming.
Oh yeah. My long hair green algae in abundant, so I placed 5 Emerald Crabs, and 4 Red Scarlet Hermit Crabs in the tank and they are doing fine along with my Horseshoe crab purchased 2-9 and my Conch Snail purchased 12-16-15.
The LFS no longer has any suggestion so any help will be appreciated. I have been running a poly-filter and it has turned tan indicating organic matter.
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