fish # for 75 g


New member
what is the # of fish a 75 gal can hold. I have 2 clowns, flame angel, ember blenny, 2 bartlett anthis, koel tank, mimic tank, and a hawk ( I think) fish
your bio-load is very heavy already with all those fish plus corals ... but there are more factors than just fish waste .... like what type of filtration you use, do you over feed, etc ... as you add things you have to be diligent and watch how your tank adjusts ....
I have heard people say before that for saltwater you can have one inch per every five gallons, or something like that. I am sure there are multiple versions with different numbers. I once had twelve fish in a ten gallon tank that I had for a couple years until I moved. Everybody's tank will be different. My advice would just be to add things very slowly and always monitor your parameters. If everything stays at zero then your okay.
As long as you have enough LR, good oversized skimmer, sump for extra volume and refugium to export via macroalgae, you could probably have more. Oh and feed lightly ofcourse.