Fish Removal......


Moving on Up
Just trying to get some ideas. What do you use if you have to remove an 8" fish from the tank? I picked up a small 2.5 gallon glass aquarium and am going to try that but figured i would get some other ideas.

I also have to remove a 18" Zebra Moray eel. What should I use for him?

Obviously all the rock will be removed and the water level lowered.

When I moved my agressive, I caught my lion, eel, and puffer by putting a 5 gallon bucket in the aquarium with a piece of shrimp tied to a rock. The bucket is laid on its side with the shrimp rock in the bucket. Fish swims bucket and you slide the lid in place and quickly stand up the bucket. This worked for the eel and the puffer. For the lion, we herded the lion into the bucket with some eggcrate.
heres what i am currently doing to catch all of my tangs.i placed an acrylic trap in the tank,then i placed the nori clip in the very front of the trap(door was totally removed).the fish are now forced to get used to he trap if they want the nori.then the next day i placed the nori midway in the trap(door still off)and went to work.when i came home for lunch i found my tangs were readily going into the box and eating the nori(i even saw 2 of them in the trap at once).now all i need to do is place the nori in the trap with the door in place and ready to go,then wait for them to go in to by one they will get caught.this metheod should work good for trapping any fish,just place wahtever food they eat into the trap and wait.i even saw my CBB in the trap and i wasnt feeding him from it.