Fish Room Build Out Question - Vapor Barrier?

Black Mammoth

Premium Member
So I ordered a 325g tank (A.G.E.) and I'm starting my build out. It is going in the wall. The room containing the tank is pretty small and unfinished. I was planning on using durarock or hardibacker to finish off the room. Then I was going to cover the walls with the commercial kitchen white plastic as the finish. In the room I will have an exhaust duct. I'm planning on putting a fan on it with a humidistat. Actually there will be a hood over the tank with the fan.

My question is, do you guys think I should install a vapor barrier before putting up the durarock/hardibacker?
I used the green sheet rock and FRP on mine. I installed a FanTech 120CFM inline fan. The tank is 375gal and the sump is 75gal. Had water in the tank for 4 weeks and, thanks to the fan, the humidity in the room has never gotten above 61%. I'd say a vapor barrier is not needed.

A.G.E. make sweet tanks. :cool:
Dense armour plus is a really good wallboard it is mold and mildew resistant. For your peace of mind a vapor barrier should be cheap and easy to install if you are worried about it
I used green board with a vapor barrier behind it. I put the barrier on in 2 layers. There is blown in insulation behind 2 of the walls and I didn't want anything to leak into it. The green board got 2 coats of an oil based primer and 2 coats of 2 part white epoxy. I can literally spray the room down with a hose (and i have!)

I also installed two fan tech fans.. one to pull in makeup air, one to exhaust out.

I pretty much let the room get up to saturation point since its sealed. Fans only come on every now and then to turn air over in the room for CO2 purposes and if the tank needs to be cooled.
Thanks guys. After posting this I decided that a vapor barrier wouldn't hurt. So I went out and picked a roll. I'm going to insulate for sound proofing purposes. Then after that I'll put up the vapor barrier. When that is done, I'm going to use HardiBacker. Finally, I will put up some FRP :)

I was looking at fans today. I would like to get one with a humidistat on it. I'll search on here for "fan tech" as you guys mentioned. I only have plans for one fan and that is for exhaust. Hopefully that will work out for me.

Of course I have to do the basics remove everything from the I guess I should officially start a build thread.

Thanks for the input guys.
Remember a fan can only pull out as much air out of the room as can be drawn into the room. You can either put in a louvered vent in the wall or under cut the door.