Fish selection in SPS tank


New member
I had to export the bi-color blenny as he killed my blue tort. A few other were getting nipped.

I currently have a yellow tang, percula clown, and a 6-line wrasse in my 75 gallon. And I keep SPS, a few LPS, and a clam.

I would like to add at least two more fish and was thinking of a clown gobie, a mandarin, and perhaps a few more options.

The reason I am a little hesitant is because I had read up on the bi-colors and thought they were perfectly reef safe. I found out the hard way there are exceptions with these guys.

Maybe there are no perfectly reef safe fish, but does anyone have suggestions for colorful interesting fish that are very safe?

I love flame hawkfish, and dyeing to try the Longnose Hawkfish, but with these they could eat shrimps and some once in a while a snail, but will not touch anything else corals, clams, ect.

very colorful, interesting and cute :D


also always had found the pipefish very interesting, indeed.

wrasse are very colorful and anthias,

good luck with your choice :)


Hawkfish would be great! They eat pods - do you think there would be enough grazing opportunities living in a 75 gal w/120# of LR? Seeing as he will have to share with a 6-line and a Mandarin?

As far as the clown Gobies go, anyone ever have a problem with one of them?

I am really interested in the symbiotic type relationships and would like one that lives in the acro colonies. I have to wait for mine to grow a little more. My only big colony has a crab living in it already.
i think clown gobies tend to perch in SPS and can annoy them. also, if you have more than one and they breed, they will lay their eggs at the base of the SPS and it will kill the tissue around them.

supposedly if you have enough SPS, they won't bother any one enough to kill it. I won't get one because of those reasons though.