fish selection


New member
Since now i am down to just a clownfish in my tank, i want to get some input on what fish i can put in my tank. 55 g reef tank. I will let it sit for awhile just to make sure there is nothing toxic in the tank. looking for some cool colorful fish.

I'm a fan of fish with personalities and not swimming drones. I tend to do like you and research them a fair bit before getting anything.
Here are some not too expensive fish that I've gotten over time that I'd get again without reservation

Tail Spot Blenny
Pygmy Hawkfish
Sharknose Goby
Royal Gramma
Red Head Goby
One Spot Foxface (*this one is the smallest of the available species. Should be fine in a 55. The others varieties will get too big)
any reef safe wrasse

Take note that 6 lines, although reef safe, CAN be major bullies.
I've had good luck. Others haven't.
pink stripe and possum wrasses (similar and small) are generally very friendly, but more $ and harder to find.
I think the next fish I get will be a purple firefish. Been looking at the hawkfish but read in some places that they harass shrimp? Any one have any experience with that?
no i havent with the hawkfish but i want one of those they cool looking. i have a sixline wrasse and no problems with him bullying. he is one not to take it though from the tang who comes the closest at bullying but he does stand his ground and doesnt let her push him around but by far he is the nicest and pretty peaceful. If i ever get rid of my tang i would definitely get a long nose hawkfish. im thinking my tank is full on the fish side now
there are a lot if fairy wrasses (carpenters,exquisite,mc costers, etc) that are out there really pretty just command a higher $..
added a mandarin last week. Will next add a pair of purple firefish. May add some sort of hawkfish. Would any sort of tang be ok in this mix?
Just be aware that mandarins are voracious pod eaters. They will decimate populations of smaller tanks and starve. most people recommend on the order of 70g or so per mandarin. ORA does have some that have been weened onto non-live food.
(I forget how big and old your tank is)
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55g 2plus years old. Had one previously for well over a year. Picked up some copepods and phytoplankton this weekend. Put some in my refugium to populate. I am trying to grow some more pods ion containers.
Sounds good and good luck with the culturing :-D

(unfortunately, I've seen people put mandarin in new biocubes etc...:()