fish stuck in memphis


New member
i ordered thursday for saturday delivery and fed ex is saying my package is stuck in memphis tn and wont be here till monday - bluezoo is closed till monday so i cant call them --- still on phone with fedex tryig to get the package-- any one have any ideas>?
IMO and with past experiences the fish should be ok. They are shipped with enough water. When this has happened to me I usually request for my package to held at the fed ex office this way I can pick it up early and get it faster. Instead of riding in the truck. Also just email bz just to make them aware of the situation. Good luck and keep us posted.
Just got a call from Louisville they have the package and I'm gonna go there and get it - it's a 3 hour round trip but I figure it will increase survival by alot ,if I get it today instead of Monday afternoon- hoping bz will refund me my Saturday delivery cost (if not more) becuaSe they for sure didnt get here Saturday
So far so good I had to drive to Louisville to get them on Sunday morning otherwise they wouldn't of been here till Monday afternoon/afterwork -- everyone is alive and well-- I'm gonna call bz tomorrow and see what they say about all this - I know it isn't there fault but I feel as though they should dispute the shipping charges with fed ex-- will see
Well fedex did great after the initial screw up- they found the package in Louisville I drove few hours got the package and fish acclimated - only lost a shrimp- bluezoo was going to file a complaint to get the extra money we paid for Saturday shipping- still havnt heard about that I need to call and ask
Memphis is FedEx's main hub, most likely FedEx's mistake. Hope they all make it.

Fed ex just screwed up my wed delivery order from LA and DD...wasn't going to be delivered till I had the order returned because I wasn't going to be home to receive order...second time this has happened.....should use ups.....
Seems like delivery companies think everyone just stays at home waiting on them- they act like no one has jobs and if they screw up they can just do it later- ya great except they require signature and that doesn't work when ya have a job