Fish Trap near Deerfield Beach?!?


New member
I have a Red Coris Wrasse that I just put in my tank this weekend that needs to GO!!!! Totally destructive, moving everything and anything thats in it's way . . I have came home from work every day this week with my tank completely re-arranged! Was going to give it time to settle in , until I saw the maniac swimming around with a 2" rock in it's mouth!! :headwallblue::headwallblue:

I had someone offer me one but he is far away and I do not want to wait until this weekend . . . ..


If anyone is near Deerfield Beach and can let me borrow a fish trap , I would owe you big time!!!
How do you catch a cleaner shrimp? I caught one and the other one saw me do it and now he's pretending that he doesn't like fresh seafood from whole foods (the sob). I have a pest trap, a few bottle traps, a mason jar, and a net. So far all he's done is laugh at me.