Fish Truck's Second Year Tune UP!


Premium Member
Well, after one year with my tank, it is time for some tuning up!!

Overall, the tank is doing pretty well. The exception is that lately I am having poor luck with my Acros. Lots of bleaching and lost frags and colonies. I still have some nice stuff worth saving. With some investigation, I have learned some lessons.

Tune up #1. Maintenance improvement... change lines exposed to light every six months. I found that my calcium reactor's feed line was full of algae. This was causing my effluent to go up and down leading to dKH fluxuations from 7-12. No wonder the acros are struggling. Fix = change lines every six months. Get black tubing. Check alk more often.
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Tune up #2. My lighting. I FINALLY measured my PAR. I assumed I was bleaching out my corals with too much light. I use four, 400 watt bulbs in two sfiligoi reflectors. I FINALLY got around to measuring lux (converted to PAR). See the picture below. Compared with TOTM March 2008, my PAR is a bit, well, sub PAR! I have my ballasts dimmed too much, and will bring these up to 90 or 100%. Another mystery finally solved... my lights are on the dim side! Also... a montipora that has been struggling along is getting by on very low light. I will move that colony and maybe stick a big fat ACAN down there.

KEY: the second number represents two, 20k radiums dimmed to about 60% on dimmable ballasts. This is sunrise sunset and goes from noon to 10 pm. The first (larger) number adds in two more bulbs, reeflux 12ks at about 90%. All four bulbs run "noon sun" for three hours from 4 to 7 pm. Also, I am using a lux meter and these are very ROUGH measurements.

Maybe, I need a longer "noon" time?

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Tune up #3. My sand bed needs to be siphoned out monthly. I had let this go. Parts had turned to concrete and there was tons of crap in it. I pull out the standpipes and sipon the gravel right into the sump. There... three filter socks will catch the detritus. After the vacuum job, I change the socks and do a water change.