FL. Ricordea only system.


New member
I have a empty 30 gal sitting here and I am thinking about making it a Ricordea only tank.

Any ideas on what the best lighting would be for it?
Any thing else I should think about to make this the best for them in growth and coloring.

i think t5s and leds would be cool.

whatever you end up with for the main lighting, id be sure to pack it full of blue leds. ricordea colors really pop under the blue leds.

they dont need much flow, id think a hang on back filter and a power head or two would be enough.
Great I all ready have everything but the LEDs! After talking to hubby and looking on line at soft coral tanks, we may just make our main 50 gal display our ric tank.

Now I just need more then my one ric. LOL