Flagfin Angel

They are one of the sweetest angels you'll ever meet.

As other angels are known to hide, this one will be swimming around your tank.

They are relativly hardy, will eat almost anything. They are known to eat the softies, but mine has not yet touched the zenia.
I recently bought a flagfin, he was in fairly lousy shape but eating well and had been in captivity for four months. He's putting on weight and looks better now, and his personality is absolutely A+; he's a big sweetie and gorgeous to watch. I'm slowly turning the tank into a reef (with my fingers crossed) and so far he hasn't bothered any of the corals.
Here's a pic of 'Midas' :)
He's in a 65g, but he's only about 2" long, maybe even a bit less. We're hoping to move out of our apartment into something larger this summer, and I hope to set up a bigger tank (likely 110g) where he can have lots of room to play as an adult :D
I have had one for over 8months now and he is a great fish! Eats anything and everything, and only bothers my coral beauty, which is understandable and gives him something to do. Plus they dont get as large as other large angelfish. Beautiful bright yellow coloring and cool bright blue lips.