Flame Angel and SPS


New member
Okay, so I have a flame in my tank and I've started to move some SPS corals into it,and I dont have good polyp extension. Do people have any success with flames/coral beauties in their SPS tanks? Or should i banish him to the smaller softie tank? He rocks, and I'd hate to have to move him.

(In case everyone is wondering, My temp is somewhat under control (try not to go above 82), ca/alk, salinity, Ammonia/nitrogen, phosphate, are all within normal limits, I do a 10-15% water change weekly, I use RO/DI water, and I feed my corals 1-2x per week, Acros get oyster eggs/rotifer mix. My 2x 150 DE lights are on 8 hr/day, 4x65w actinic PC on 10 hrs/day. Just cuz i know everyones going to want to know! )
The only way to determine if you are going to have to move the flame angel is to sit down and watch it to see if it picks at your SPS. Mine doesn't pick at either my SPS or clams.

There are many other things that can cause your corals to not have polyp extension. In addion to watching the flame angel to see if it is picking at your SPS you may also want to check for red bugs. These little crittes can cause you not to have any polyp extension.
I had an Atl. pygmy that was a nipper and I didn't realize how bad til I decided to remove him.

there are always other reasons for lack of PE but if you think its the angel then it probably is.
Have you checked for 'red bugs'?

My $.02.
I have a flame angel in with some SPS and a clam (more to come soon), and it's not a problem. It will nip at a colony here and there, but nothing that causes problems. In fact, it might even cause more problems in a soft coral tank; some produce more mucus than most corals, which flame angels love.
As you can see it is a 50/50 proposition..... some will and some do not.... I myself had one and it picked at my acros so now he is gone.....
Dont have Red bugs. Im gonna move him to help get closer to the root of the problem. Hopefully he is it, ive seen him nipping!
Danano had 4 angels in his totm. He said they were good at possibly keeping down the parasite population because they pick at anything that moves onthe rocks. I have a flame and a passers and they do pick slightly but I would like to imagine that a nip would ocassionally happen in the wild. I think that once the coral has a polyp removed occasionally from nipping it wont expand its polyps completely. But all my corals still look very good even though there is a change in the pe. The fish are way to beautifull to remove. Sheesh that would be hard also.
I had a flame angel and i was getting very little polyp extension, and i constantly watched him pick at all the corals all day long, i took him out of the tank and my PE has been awsome ever since, boy what a difference one fish makes.
i have a coral beauty that picks at everything,including the corals.I also have some acros with PE all day and night and some that only have pe at night.go figure?
No problems with my flame.

You usually get good PE at night, and the fish should be out during the day. I would look for another reason.
I have had a flame angel for almost 2 years. I finnaly removed it when it decided to eat my favia brain that I just bought.
I never seen my sps polyp up so nicely. I should've removed the bastard sooner or shoudlnt be putting it in the tank in the first place.
I had a flame w no problems w PE; unfortunately he died, and replaced him w a coral beauty. After having the CB for about 4 mos he suddenly became a nipper. For about the past 5 mos I have had minimal PE during the day w good PE at night.

I would never put another angle or beauty in a tank w SPS again. They may do great and then suddenly turn.

I am still trying to catch the CB.