Flame angel doesnt appear to be eating


New member
I purchased a dwarf flame angel on Thursday, so its been in QT for 4 days. I ordered him at my LFS so i picked him up right when the shipment was delivered and acclimated to my 10g QT where he is currently at.

Its a very healthy looking fish when i got it, probably 2-3 inches already and fat.

I dont notice it eating, i thought initially it would just be the stres of shiping and a new tank. I say dont notice because it wont eat when i feed it because it seems skiddish to see me.

Ive tried feeding it frozen brine shrimp, frozen emerald entree, and aqaudine pellett food. I have also tried once to feed it an algae sheet with garlic infusion and it didnt touch it.

The thing is when i go back to check on it all the food chunks are gone. Is he probably eating this just when im away from the tank or could my HOB filter possibly be taking all the food in?

Im just concerned and want to make sure im not missing anything. water params are good, ammonia still at 0 ppm(dosing with amquel) and nit/nat both at 0. The only other thing i know to do is to buy a rubble rock from my LFS and attach the algae to it with a rubberband.

My LFS doesnt have PE mysis or ocean nutrition formula one as those are the other two foods ive read online might be best. Should i try a clam from grocery? Any thoughts or comments? This guy was expensive!

Water temp = 79
ph = 8.3
salinity = 1.023-1.024
amoonia = 0
nit = 0
nat = 0

forgot to mention i have one piece of elbow pvc pipe in the QT that it likes to be in and an air stone with a HOB filter

this is after 4 days
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The hob appears to be taking in the food.

I fed emerald entree this morning with hob off and one hour later it hadnt touched anything. This is day 5, im going to try algae on rock tonight, any ideas? Should i be treating for anything at 5 days in with no food?

Water params still great ammonia at 0.

Fish is very skiddish.
I wouldn't worry at all yet. The fish went from the Marshall islands where it was collected (most likely) to a holding facility in Hawaii to the store to your tank, all in the span of a few days. As long as he looks good and his breathing is normal, he's fine. Keep offering small amounts of food once a day and he should come around within a few days.
those comments make me feel better because it still looks very healthy.

ill stay on it, i bought some garlic juice today to put on the frozen brine in an additional effort to entice him.

Ill update when he starts eating
still no luck 6 days in.

Ive read a lot of info on people with flames that wont eat. Ive seen a lot of reviews on the 8 to 10 day mark of people losing them when they dont eat.

I bought him last thursday, should I think about moving him into my DT to give him a chance to eat off my LR and feel more at home like a true reef.

I read flames are wild caught, maybe the QT and pvc is not enough like natural habitat and is also stressing out the fish?

No signs of disease, no ich spots. Guess im just still pretty worried.

I tried brine shrimp soaked in garlic last night, he didnt touch it.

Still not swimming weird or breathing weird, appearance is healthy. Very skiddish still, hides when i come around
I just bought a flame angel from Live aquaria a couple days ago. On the 2nd day it was munching on Formula 2 flakes already. Maybe u could try it.


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I have two flames. Neither of had eaten prepared food for a long time....a few weeks. They did however immediately start picking off the live rock. Do you have any in your Q tank. My flames are the most active in my tank picking at the rock....even more than my tangs.
still no luck 6 days in.

I bought him last thursday, should I think about moving him into my DT to give him a chance to eat off my LR and feel more at home like a true reef.

I dont know what else is in your DT... But I cannot think of a single instance I would even consider pulling a non eating fish from a few days in QT and putting it into my DT. I personally have allot of money and even more hard work and effort in my DT than the value of a flame angel. It may sound harsh but I would take my chances with the Flame in the QT. Do EVERYTHING I can to insure he survives EXCEPT risk the health of the rest of my fish and hard work. most have much more to loose in the DT than a Flame Angel. I realize he is your pet and you want to do what you can to help him out but you also need to consider the other pets in the DT you may have that he could negatively impact if he turns out to be sick.

Also, you didn't mention how much you are in front of the QT tank and/or are opening the lid and putting your hands in the tank. Remember this fish is probably very stressed and scared. IF you are in/in front of the tank too much you could be prolonging his stress and adding to the issue of him not eating. I know it's really hard but if you are constantly at/in the Qt tank you may consider another approach. You could be prolonging his hunger strike... Just something to consider.

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I know angels are notorious for not eating when first introduced. With a bit of research and excellent water quality they should start eating!
unfortunately the flame didnt make it :( He died last night

I feel like i did everything right, upon purchase immediately into QT, QT was in basement so very rarely were we in front it other than to water test or feed. Tried 4 different types of food as much as possible. Water tested twice a day so water stayed good.

I feel like this guy was doomed from the start. Hate that i lost him he was a very beautiful fish, im a little nervous about this fish now. Im worried about most of them being wild caught and the stress they endure.

I guess despite our efforts some fish just dont make it.
I have had terrible luck with Flames for some reason. I've had three and lost all of them within a few weeks. Not sure why. He had plenty of places to hide and not get bullied but lost all of them.