I have a Flame Angel for about a month now in a 55 Gallon tank.
For the first three weeks, he has appeared to be very healthy. He was swimming all over the tank. He was eating great.
For the past week he has stopped eating. I have tried Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, Hikari Angelfish Food, Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 Flakes, Ocean Nutrition Formula 2 Pellets, and seaweed on a Veggie Clip.
Some of these foods he has no interest in at all; others he'll swim up to, get in front of his face, then just swim away from it. Although, when he stopped eating, he continued to pick at the rocks all the time.
I woke up today to find him stuck to the side of a powerhead. I turned off the powerheads and he "swam" away. However, he is swimming very erratically. He'll swim slowly, but "okay" for a few seconds to a minute, then he starts to float face up. After about 5 to 10 seconds of this, he shakes as if he woke up, then starts swimming again.
I shined a flashlight on him to see if I can see anything physical. With the light on him, he started swimming with more energy and turned upright. He may have been startled by it. However, I don't see any film over the eyes, any white spots, or any discoloration. He does not appear to be gasping for air. His lips may be turning white, but it is difficult to see.
Most notable is that his fins appear to have tears in them. This is most noticeable on his rear most fins. I'm not sure if this is a result of being stuck to the PH, or if it is indicative of something else.
His mates include a Yellow Tang, Azure Damsel, Percula Clown, Red Scooter Dragonet, a few snails, and a cleaner shrimp. They have all interacted positively, I have never observed any fighting or nipping.
I was going to go out today to get Garlic to see if I could entice him to eat; but I worry it may be too late at this point.
I'm really not sure if his swimming symptoms are because he's not eating, or the fact that he's not eating and now his swimming are both symptoms of something else.
I have a Flame Angel for about a month now in a 55 Gallon tank.
For the first three weeks, he has appeared to be very healthy. He was swimming all over the tank. He was eating great.
For the past week he has stopped eating. I have tried Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, Hikari Angelfish Food, Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 Flakes, Ocean Nutrition Formula 2 Pellets, and seaweed on a Veggie Clip.
Some of these foods he has no interest in at all; others he'll swim up to, get in front of his face, then just swim away from it. Although, when he stopped eating, he continued to pick at the rocks all the time.
I woke up today to find him stuck to the side of a powerhead. I turned off the powerheads and he "swam" away. However, he is swimming very erratically. He'll swim slowly, but "okay" for a few seconds to a minute, then he starts to float face up. After about 5 to 10 seconds of this, he shakes as if he woke up, then starts swimming again.
I shined a flashlight on him to see if I can see anything physical. With the light on him, he started swimming with more energy and turned upright. He may have been startled by it. However, I don't see any film over the eyes, any white spots, or any discoloration. He does not appear to be gasping for air. His lips may be turning white, but it is difficult to see.
Most notable is that his fins appear to have tears in them. This is most noticeable on his rear most fins. I'm not sure if this is a result of being stuck to the PH, or if it is indicative of something else.
His mates include a Yellow Tang, Azure Damsel, Percula Clown, Red Scooter Dragonet, a few snails, and a cleaner shrimp. They have all interacted positively, I have never observed any fighting or nipping.
I was going to go out today to get Garlic to see if I could entice him to eat; but I worry it may be too late at this point.
I'm really not sure if his swimming symptoms are because he's not eating, or the fact that he's not eating and now his swimming are both symptoms of something else.