Flame Angel


New member
Hey all. I have looked at fish charts and all but want some real world advice. I am wanting to get a Flame Angel and a Coral Beauty for my 55gal reef tank. I have in there now a yellow tail damsel, a 4 stripe damsel, a one spot fox face and lawn mower blenie. I have a feather duster, xenia, and a leather and will be adding more corals as time goes. Let me know what you all think. Also I am really wanting to get to a meeting so I can meet you all! I will when my work schd allows.
2 dwarf angels in a tank that size might not work. Aggression between them may be high. If they get along with each other, there is a risk that they will eat (or pick at) your corals.

I had a flame angel in a 120 for 3-4 years without any issues, but did not have any LPS corals in the tank. When it died, I thought I would try another in the same tank...it almost immediately starting nipping at my SPS, zoos, etc. When dealing with dwarf angels, I think it depends on the particular animal. Some have great luck with them and corals...others, not so much.
I agree with Richard I have tried most of the "reef safe" angels Coral beauty, flame and ebili, and it is hit or miss some of them did some of them didn't mess wtih corals. As far as two dwarfs in a tank that size I would say no.
I have a 55 and a Coral Beauty. It just doesn't seem like enough room to avoid problems if there were two. Dwarf angels will pick territory, but apparently they like more than what I have because the CB makes his rounds all over the tank.

Only coral he harrasses to the point I cannot have them in the tank are open brains (Trachyphillia sp?). He likes to nip the feather duster just to watch him pop in, but the FD seems to be used to it and comes right back out.
Same as Richard dwarf angels are territorial and could really cause some trouble in your tank better to get just one.
I had a coral beauty that did well in my reef for over a year, but one day decided to pick at everything in the tank. It killed 2 clams before I could get it out. It constantly picked at zoas and LPS and the few SPS I kept at the time. I will never have another dwarf angel in a reef.