Flammer in the main tank


New member
Last night about 1 hour before lights out I re-arranged the rock to confuse my current fish over territories. Then 10 min before light out I dropped the flame angel in. The rest of her tank mates were so busy looking around they left her alone.

Lights out

Today nemo went missing. I had knocked the cover off the overflow to the sump and he took the slip-&-slide to the sump. He is fine.
The flammer is also doing good. Seems to be teasing the yellow tang because she pops out of the rocks then dives in and pops out behind the tang. The yellow seems a little more aggressive then normal but is leaving Flammer alone.

Yes Flammer the Flame Angel.

Hey, if anyone spots any large pieces of live rock when they are out this weekend could you let me know? I am in need of 2-3 choice pieces. I removed some of the Diy rock i made ly. The early batch I made was crumbling and needed to go. I have a better mix but don't want to wait for it to cure.
Hi Al,

The shipment of rock got bumped to another it is due to come tonight around 9:00 pm tonight. We may have it in the store tomorrow. You may have to cure it some before putting it in your tank.

Great... No problems as of yet. I have been adding a little extra food so there would not be a problem for Flammer getting her fill.
Word of caution, Flames jump. Lost my flame just the other day :(
Make sure you have some kind of cover.
I heard that also so I plan on adding pond netting to cover the tank and not reduce the light.
When I get home the lights will be off. I will try tomorrow. The clown is doing fine. Still has some light marks where she got sucked. (she's gone from suck to blow) Other then that she is acting normal.

Spaceballs the movie! Got to love that