flat worm ID


Active member
Sooo was looking in my fuge tonight and saw these weird space ship looking bugs I thought baby snail? But with Google's help I think there baby flat worms, there tiny. But there only in my fuge none in my sump or DT. My fuge is separate from my tank its a 25 gal cube in the bathroom closet behind my main tank. Return pumps water to it and then fuge drains to sump.

Anyway, any input helps there is only a small patch on them as of now in one 4x6 area. Here is a close up of a few.

Too worry or not too worry?

They appear to be an amphiscolops species, commonly called "acoel flatworms."
They are harmless algae grazers. I have them show up in my tanks periodically, and they have never been an issue.

BTW, the flatworms linked in that post above are red planaria and not the same thing that you have.
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