Flatworm removal - Part TROIS!


In Memoriam
This morning we are @ it again!

this time we put in 4 power heads & directed the flow into the rockwork!

I think more flatworms died this time around that in the last 2 rounds together!!!

within about 90 seconds .... FLATWORMS EVERYWHERE.
yeah, maybe ... lets hope not though .... so far everything looks great ... done 1 x 40g water change ... going to do another one later tonight.

none of the coral are slimed up like last weekend.
i dosed again ... more dead .. but not sure if all ... looks liek my chromis didn't like that much though ... 1 was going up & down ... laying on its back & doing the up/down thing a few more times ... lights are off now ... carbon is running .... not sure what else to do.
yeah .. yeah ... whatever!

looks like at least one, possibly more cleaner shrimp bit the bullet today ... more of the chromis are doing the ritual dances..... so we will see what the final toll will be.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8982409#post8982409 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
yeah .. yeah ... whatever!

looks like at least one, possibly more cleaner shrimp bit the bullet today ... more of the chromis are doing the ritual dances..... so we will see what the final toll will be.

you sure you are not just seing a molt?
why not move your fish and corals to rubbermaid tubs. then boombard the tank. at least you could save your fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8987603#post8987603 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TeresaQ
why not move your fish and corals to rubbermaid tubs. then boombard the tank. at least you could save your fish.

I agree! and while you are at it stop buying fish in between treatments!:bum:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8995560#post8995560 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer
Maybe its time to start over.

Sounds like your losing the battle.

Yea and donate your zoos to my tank!
hah ... your a funny guy scott.....

and how am i loosing the battle? its a set back, yes .... **** happens ... i'm taking care of it ... i'm thinking that i am slowly getting the issue under control.

Things are starting to look better ... i haven't lost any coral that i know off yet .... the favia lost alot of its color, but no tissue recession ... the zoanthids are all fine, so are the xenias, kenya trees, muchrooms, toadstool, spaghetti finger leather ... the colosed brain ...

fish suffered the most .... but wasn't all in vein ...

open brain had a feast w/ the green chromis
serpent star & shrimp had a feast with the yellow tang
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8996300#post8996300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
hah ... your a funny guy scott.....

and how am i loosing the battle? its a set back, yes .... **** happens ... i'm taking care of it ... i'm thinking that i am slowly getting the issue under control.

Things are starting to look better ... i haven't lost any coral that i know off yet .... the favia lost alot of its color, but no tissue recession ... the zoanthids are all fine, so are the xenias, kenya trees, muchrooms, toadstool, spaghetti finger leather ... the colosed brain ...

fish suffered the most .... but wasn't all in vein ...

open brain had a feast w/ the green chromis
serpent star & shrimp had a feast with the yellow tang
while the zoos are still doing good let me make sure they stay that way!