Flatworm removal - Part TROIS!

yeah, its looking up.

and guess what!

tongiht when we got home - about 1/4 of the hydroids on that large rock that was fully covered were chewed off .... Rusty Angel afterall? I sure hope so!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9001338#post9001338 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
yeah, its looking up.

and guess what!

tongiht when we got home - about 1/4 of the hydroids on that large rock that was fully covered were chewed off .... Rusty Angel afterall? I sure hope so!

so we don't get to use the torch anymore?

Glad to hear things are looking up. I am ready to get your butt back on track so we can start making frag trips.