Fleece filter bypass problems (Innovitech X filter)


New member
Looking for help troubleshooting issues with waste bypass with my X filter 1.7. How the bypass happens is that particles make their way through the small gap between the side of the fleece and the wall of the filter, ending up under the fleece. Then when the fleece moves, these particles are then released into the sump (which you can see in the video).

The bypass is quite significant (this is what builds up by a week after I clean the sump). Even juvenile guppies (this is a freshwater system) can make it through! The 3 bypass valves are all closed completely and there is no damage to the filter. The motor and sensor are working properly. Currently the sump water depth relative to the bottom of the filter is 15cm. However, even when this depth was only 13.5cm the same problem occurred.


The total system (with sump) volume is 1500L, and the tank itself is 1270L. Flow rate is about 9000 LPH, not accounting for head pressure. I am currently using a 32 micron roll. The system has been in use since November 2024. I initially tried a 9 micron roll and then a 25 micron before switching to the 32 micron upon the company's suggestion that the system may need time to 'clear out' of built up particles/detritus (a process they mention could take 3-4 rolls).

While the fleece still removes a lot of waste, all this bypass kind of defeats the point of having a fleece roller since I still have to thoroughly clean the sump each week. My eventual goal is to use the 9 micron roll so all water is automatically filtered down to this level.
I'm not familiar with the inside of this filter. I have a Reef Factory unit with a similar problem. There is an overflow opening I had to close or dirty water flowed out one side & the sump became dirty. My fleece runs over a perforated plate on both sides where the water exits through the roll. The roll is much wider that the perforations in those plates. Maybe you need a wider roll?
Hope that helps.