Florida Ric Failure to thrive


Premium Member
I have a florida Ric that has two mouths. It has had them for a very long time (several months) Anyway, I affixed the Ric to the LR with a monofilament fishing line, And over several months, i've watched it get smaller and smaller. It's not fast, and the Ric isn't dying and sick. But I would really think that it would be getting bigger, fuller, and promoting splitting, as all my other discosomas and other corals are looking great right now! In fact, the tank hasn't looked so good!

Please give me some Ideas. Thanks.

Also I've heard of people feeding their rics. I'd love to feed mine, but what do you feed them? I tried a piece of plankton the other day, and it didn't take it in at all. Didn't even wad up like it recognized it as food.

Any help would be appreciated.

What type of lighting do you have, where it is placed in the tank, and what flow is it exposed to.

Second, to obtain two Florida Rics, take a clean razor blade between their mouths and make a clean cut. It will heal perfectly in less than a week.

Third, my Florida Rics love to eat mysis shrimp. However, make sure the powerheads, etc, are turned off. Drop a shrimp on its body and it will, slowly but surely, eat it.

Good Luck.
check your water for PO4 and make sure your alk/pH/Ca are at the correct levels. also how old are your lights and how much lighting (watts) and what type of lighting do you have, and how far from the surface are the ric's.
My Florida rics have taken a long time to grow, establish and start to split. I've had mine for 9 or 10 months, and while they've grown a little, it proably took 6 months for them to start to split.

I've noticed my rics didn't like a lot of flow, and like mysis. They really fluff up after some mysis. I usually have to protect them from the shrimp while they're eating, though.