Flow for a new tank.

Mark Bianco

New member

I will be buying a new tank to replace my 75gl, either a 6' long 125gl standard or a 6' long 180gl standard.

I like the idea of making a wave but, I went to my LFS and looked at a Wavebox on his 6' long tank. Instead of what I perceive as a wave it was a about ¾ of a second the corals would move to one side and the next ¾ second they would move to the other side. I ask the owner if that was adjustable and he stated "œNo you tune it for the resident frequency of your tank." (Nice but not for me.) Is this true?

If it is then what models of Tunze powerheads do you recommend? I would want more of say 2 to 3 seconds of flow one way have a second or 2 breather then 2 to 3 seconds of flow the other way then repeat. I can control them either, I purchase your controller or I can use my Apex. What do you recommend for a two pump setup, and if so would you run them synced or unsynced and where would be the best place to put them? I do plan on about mix of 25% SPS and 75% Lps

Thanks in advance
Sorry, I don't seem to be getting a notification on some posts.

Yes, aquarium wave generators work on resonance frequency, if he had it tuned properly he would have one wave crest on one side, trough on the other, the shorter the tank the faster the wave.

For either tank, to get a flow one way the full length and then the other, 2 6105 would be the best bet. I would run them one at a time, one on each side, generally I would pulse them between two speeds every 3 seconds and change the side the flow comes from every 6 hours.
Hi Roger

I like this idea.
I have a 6205 and a 6105 on each end of my tank. (4 powerheads)
But my tank is 9 feet long, if i try this solution, will i still be getting enough flow at the opposite end?
Right now, i have them all run at the same time via a 7096 at 60% and 100%. 2 second pulse.
Any tips appreciated.
In this case I would use the Interval mode with Idle mode on (software update), it will be similar but the pumps on the other side will idle at 30% and then you should have enough flow through the tank.