Flow ok?

Even with head loss, I think a Mag24 might be too much for a SQWD. That valve will really have to be turned down so as not to damage the internal workings of the SQWD. So you may want to use a Mag18. Lower cost, less electricity, and no chance of either busting the SQWD or causing a flood because the valve is not set right and the overflow only handles 1600gph.
All I can see is alot of microbubbles in the display happening. That is a lot of flow through a sump. JMO even splitting to the skimmer.
I just order the Single Lifereef overflow. Going to sell the Mag24 and put a mag 7 or 9.5 instead. Would that be ok?
Get a Mag 9.5 or use a better external pump. Just remember, you don't have to have all of your flow going thru the sump. Are your returns going thru bulkheads into the tank or up and over the top?
That will probably be fine. With head loss and back pressure from the SQWD you should be all right with the single 600gph overflow and a 9.5. You could always use the Mag24 for a closed loop plumbed over-the-top.