Fluval Evo 13.5 can it be moved while full


I setup my new Fluval nano 13.5 gallon on a dresser in my office. I am thinking I want to spin the tank on the dresser so the the black filter part is against the wall and I can see both sides.

Why did I not do that at the start ? who knows.

Question is while its not so heavy I cant spin it I was wondering if the glass can take that much pressure I need to hold 2 sides and slowly spin it until the back part is facing the wall.

Am I likely to break the glass or pull a corner off?
Get 2-5 gallon buckets from home depot or lowes, drain it out (will take 30 seconds), move it, and put the water back by cup. Should be good to go. Or use the time to do a water change too.