FMAS March 5th, 2022 Tour of Chemipure facility


2018 FMAS President
Its been now over two years since we have had an in person FMAS Monthly Meeting, and if you remember the last one in 2019 was held at the Chemipure/Reef Aquaria Design/Jellyfish Art building in Fort Lauderdale. Jeff Turner, a Lifetime Member of FMAS, has again offered to host the first in person FMAS meeting of 2022.

Meeting: Saturday March 5[SUP]th[/SUP], 2022 starting at 4:30 PM.

Address: 3510 NW 53rd ST, Fort Lauderdale, 33309

His companies building has a very large open warehouse space with plenty of flow through ventilation and he promises it will be a grand event for FMAS Members! Free food and drinks will be provided for the event. Food will start to be served in the open air warehouse with tables spread apart at 5-5:30 PM and his team will make a presentation at 6:30 PM in the big warehouse.

Jeff’s talk and video will be a more in depth look into the construction of the recently completed 5,000 gallon residential reef aquarium that RAD designed and built and he also promises to add more footage of the 6,000 gallon reef in Atlanta and new footage of custom jellyfish displays as well.

NOTE: This is a members only event. If you havnt renewed your FMAS membership for 2022 use this link to login and renew:

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