New member
Thanks to*SpectraPure, we have a*Litermeter 3*setup for automatic water changes. *This unit has was given to our very own Eddie Soler to review and compare against his auto water change setup using a Stenner pump. *
Find out Eddie's assessment of the*Litermeter*for use in an auto water change setup.Get your questions answered on setting up an auto water change system.Enter our raffle for an opportunity to win this setup!
Thank you SpectraPure for allowing us to test the*LitermeterDosing Pump and donating it to our raffle. *For more info on the Litermeter Dosing Pump and modules, please
Annual Officer Elections
It is time once again for our Annual FMAS Officer Elections.
The Annual Elections take place in the month of November. Elected Officers of this Society consist of the following and shall be elected annually at the General Meeting held in November:
The Officers shall be selected from the recommendations of the Nominating Committee and any nomination from the floor on the day of the Election at the November General Meeting. All nominations and recommendations must be made with prior consent of the individual being nominated.
Anyone interested in running shall complete an*"œApplication for Nomination for Elected Position on the FMAS Board of Directors"*and submit it to the Nominating committee no later than*November 17, 2014.
Nominees for the Office of President and Treasurer must have served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one continuous full term.*
All elected officers will be selected by a majority of the voting membership present at the December General Meeting. The newly elected officers shall assume office at the next scheduled General Meeting in January 2015.
Only members, as defined in the By Laws, Article III, Sections 2 and 7, are entitled to vote in the Annual Elections.If you are interested in running for an elected position, please request an application from*the Nominating Committee via*email*no later than*November 17, 2014.
Nominating committee email:*
Thank you,
2014 FMAS Nominating Committee
Our meetings are open to everyone. *However, the election, raffle and other events are restricted to FMAS members only.
Find out Eddie's assessment of the*Litermeter*for use in an auto water change setup.Get your questions answered on setting up an auto water change system.Enter our raffle for an opportunity to win this setup!
Thank you SpectraPure for allowing us to test the*LitermeterDosing Pump and donating it to our raffle. *For more info on the Litermeter Dosing Pump and modules, please
Annual Officer Elections
It is time once again for our Annual FMAS Officer Elections.
The Annual Elections take place in the month of November. Elected Officers of this Society consist of the following and shall be elected annually at the General Meeting held in November:
The Officers shall be selected from the recommendations of the Nominating Committee and any nomination from the floor on the day of the Election at the November General Meeting. All nominations and recommendations must be made with prior consent of the individual being nominated.
Anyone interested in running shall complete an*"œApplication for Nomination for Elected Position on the FMAS Board of Directors"*and submit it to the Nominating committee no later than*November 17, 2014.
Nominees for the Office of President and Treasurer must have served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one continuous full term.*
All elected officers will be selected by a majority of the voting membership present at the December General Meeting. The newly elected officers shall assume office at the next scheduled General Meeting in January 2015.
Only members, as defined in the By Laws, Article III, Sections 2 and 7, are entitled to vote in the Annual Elections.If you are interested in running for an elected position, please request an application from*the Nominating Committee via*email*no later than*November 17, 2014.
Nominating committee email:*
Thank you,
2014 FMAS Nominating Committee
Our meetings are open to everyone. *However, the election, raffle and other events are restricted to FMAS members only.