FMAS October Auction Pics

I will be out of town and will miss what is sure to be an informative meeting but none the less this thread deserves a bump
I'll will have one frag of these
1 frag of the common yellow colony polyps
2 frags of the eagle eyes
1 frag of the Anthellia
2 frags of these Green PE's
1 frag of these(previosly Chrisaggies zoas)
probably 3 frags of these Red PE's
Thanks,it's the first time I've attempted to post pics,so glad you can see them.I saw the pictures of your tank a while back...beautiful setup.
I think I might actually make this meeting. I'll be bringing some beckett injectors and maybe a skimmer if I can have one finished by then. I'll post some pics in a few days.
What exactly is a beckett injector? If it's what I think it is, i might be interested to see if I can adapt it to my skimmer. Not impressed with my skimmer's performance.
I'm not sure yet but i may bring some light brown/ metallic green palys from tonga if i have enough fragged, oh and some chaeto cuase my bush is getting huge. If i think of anything else ill post it.
i wont be bring much this month. my frogspawn fell on my mushrooms that i was planning to bring so i have to let it recover.