FMAS September 2013 Meeting


New member

This is an exclusive event for FMAS members. If you have a family membership, make sure you bring the kids.
Hey so I hate to ask the mystery but my wife is not driving to Miami unless she knows what it is. Can you spill the beans? Pm me.
well from what i can tell, its a private tour of the park..
tickets alone are 60$ per person.

so going there for free is so worth it.
Hey so I hate to ask the mystery but my wife is not driving to Miami unless she knows what it is. Can you spill the beans? Pm me.

We won't know until we get there. Sorry. In the past its been a dolphin show, the aquarium exhibit and the last meeting I believe it was the stingray exhibit.
I used to work at an aquarium in the California Science Center. It was so awesome to be "back stage" of the exhibits. To see how they've plumbed everything - they were even starting to target feed and train white sea bass at CSC. I wish I could go but I've got one of my final LSAT prep courses from 5-8. One of these days I'll make it to a meeting!

Enjoy you lucky &**%&$%! :)