Fmas Tank Hop - Schedule And Directions


Premium Member
Hi All,

We have put together the schedule and directions for Sunday's Hop. I am waiting on a member of the FMAS board to email me the member roster/distribution list so I can send out the detailed directions to everyone, so hopefully those will be out to you shortly. In the meantime, here is the schedule.

Joe/NYVP (Hollywood) 9-11 am
Luis/Compulou 10-12
Ricardo/Rosie (Pembroke) 11-1
Rogger Castells (Weston) 12-2 pm
Darcy/ (Sunrise) 1-3
Jeff and Christy (Plantation) 2-4
Matthew (Plantation) 3-5
Pedro (Oakland Pk/ Federal) 4-6
Doug (Cypress Ck/ Federal) 4:30-6:30
Eric Klein - (Boca Raton) 5-7


p.s. Anybody with the current email list of the FMAS members, please email it to me at
Hello Again,

The schedule/directions has been emailed out to all current FMAS members and the several individuals who requested it via email.

If you did not receive this email, please check your spam folder just in case. If you need a copy, please email us at:

Thanks and HAPPY HOPPING!!!

Jeff, Do we have an idea of how many people have RSVP that will be doing the hop, I would like to be prepare to host, please let me know
No, we really don't have a good idea of how many members may participate. Even if we had RSVPs, it would be difficult to project actual visitors, because people can choose to visit some tanks and skip others.

Your guess is as good as mine. I would be happy to see anywhere from 10-20 visitors at each location, but I could be completely wrong about that too. We'll probably have a much better idea of what to expect next time we do this.

Edit: I posted a poll in our forum to try to get an idea of how many will be hopping.
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