Premium Member
Hi All,
We have put together the schedule and directions for Sunday's Hop. I am waiting on a member of the FMAS board to email me the member roster/distribution list so I can send out the detailed directions to everyone, so hopefully those will be out to you shortly. In the meantime, here is the schedule.
Joe/NYVP (Hollywood) 9-11 am
Luis/Compulou 10-12
Ricardo/Rosie (Pembroke) 11-1
Rogger Castells (Weston) 12-2 pm
Darcy/ (Sunrise) 1-3
Jeff and Christy (Plantation) 2-4
Matthew (Plantation) 3-5
Pedro (Oakland Pk/ Federal) 4-6
Doug (Cypress Ck/ Federal) 4:30-6:30
Eric Klein - (Boca Raton) 5-7
p.s. Anybody with the current email list of the FMAS members, please email it to me at
We have put together the schedule and directions for Sunday's Hop. I am waiting on a member of the FMAS board to email me the member roster/distribution list so I can send out the detailed directions to everyone, so hopefully those will be out to you shortly. In the meantime, here is the schedule.
Joe/NYVP (Hollywood) 9-11 am
Luis/Compulou 10-12
Ricardo/Rosie (Pembroke) 11-1
Rogger Castells (Weston) 12-2 pm
Darcy/ (Sunrise) 1-3
Jeff and Christy (Plantation) 2-4
Matthew (Plantation) 3-5
Pedro (Oakland Pk/ Federal) 4-6
Doug (Cypress Ck/ Federal) 4:30-6:30
Eric Klein - (Boca Raton) 5-7
p.s. Anybody with the current email list of the FMAS members, please email it to me at