Foam or foam perimeter for under 400 gallon?


Premium Member

I recently had a large tank built and a friend at a local LFS is suggesting I replace my 1" high density foam under it with a 6" foam perimeter (middle of glass would be non-supported)

Lifting this thing now would be a real nightmare...don't even know enough people to help! What's the norm around here and does anyone think this is worth all the effort / extra stress on a tank that was built on-site and hasn't been moved an inch.


i wouldnt do it.seems like alot of work for little to no gain.the way you have it set up now is perfectly fine.why does he feel that you need 6" foam? For what purpose?
Umm, I am not sure I would listen to your friend... I have a 96x48x30 (600gal) glass tank sitting on 1/2" pink foam... Since the foot print of the tank is 4x8 then I used one full sheet... You don't need 6" and I would not suggest having just a "boarder" around the perimeter...
BTW, I have almost 3 tons sitting on the 1/2" pink foam and its fine...

Water : 4165lbs (500*8.33)
Tank = 1200lbs
Baserock = 550lbs
Total = 5915lbs
hey guys, I think he means that he will be using like 1" foam but just having a 6" strip supporting just the outside edges of the tank. That means there would be no foam under the center of the tank.

I saw another guy who did this before but I don't really understand why.