Folks we are gonna have a WONDERFUL SWAP!!!THIS SATURDAY!!!


New member

:bounce3:All I can say is WOW, we have really got "everyone that is anyone gonna be here this weekend. Great Speaker, and great raffle prizes, and we have got folks bringing in Frags for sale from all over, Arkansas and Missouri, All across Tennessee, Mississippi and Some great folks from Alabama are coming as well. I even found out that there is a long haired "HARRY" :wildone:ole dude that I had earlier heard wasn't gonna make it this year will be here as well.
And there will be all types of Corals available and a fantastic speaker in Marc. This is going to be the best swap this club has ever had, and we have had some good ones. Also remember to come ready to pay your dues if they have expired!! the club needs the support to help put on these events and there will be some Raffle prizes for Paid members only!! Remember that you also get in free if you are a paid member and you can pay your new membership or renewal to the ladys at the door.

Food: Jon is working his magic and we will have some fantastic Bar B Q (hey its Memphis!!!) for sale at the venue as well.

Plan on coming and spending the day, if you love Salt Water stuff your gonna be glad you were a part of this!!!