for all you koralia lovers


florida guru
i too was a koralia lover( i have 2 on my tank) but after visiting memfish saturday and buying the sicce voyager powerhead, i don't see myself using koralia's again---these powerheads are awesome and they are very comparable in price if not cheaper than the koralia's( those germans really rock)
i bought a few of those last weekend too...but i have been to lazy to put them in my tank.....Koralias are still in there
I just bought a Vortec 40w. It has its uses but I think like most solutions, there are specific applications for which the Vortec, Koralia, etc are truly useful. While the Vortec has performed and is definitely not as intrusive as the K4s I still have a K4 in my tank to complete the flow I like. A little disappointing for the 'flag ship' pump touted by the snobery of the reef keeping cliques to be the all encompassing solution. I am 'impressed' but at that price I need more 'shock and awe'...which really came after telling the wife about the nearly $400.00 price tag. The good news is if you want cheap, its out there. If you want 'quality' its...well...almost there. If you want something decent and one is willing to spend a little more, thats definitely out there. What the years, now, of reef keeping *has* taught me is that its all in the design. Oddly enough, you end up designing a functional reef around the 'equipment' that goes with this cursed hobby. If not, you end up with what most of us have...A little glimpse of our own paradise sorrounded by a mix of in-expensive 'next best' on-the-cheap gizmo's looming, waiting for their chance to take center stage in the competition for our un-wanted attention. In plain terms, the cheap crap will eventually cause us great stress at the least convenient time and we will rush to replace it with more cheap stuff. However, I can with great assurance, now, do so with a clean conscience, knowing that I have been to the top of the mountain only to see it was just as empty as the place I started...regardless of what the reef snobery say. ; )
Man, I gotta lay off the Mountain Dew before bed time. Night.
I have 2 cans.One says VORTECH the other REEFKEEPER.Both are now bristling with one dollar bills.
Dont come break in,I had a BENELLI can before :).
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