FOR SALE 120g Complete Reef Setup St. Pete Fl


New member
120 Gallon dual over flows, 60 gallon Refugium custom built with t5 lights, Cherry wood stand and canopy, Current USA Outer Orbit HQI/T5HO: 48 inch 250W HQI 4x54W(250 Watt 14k Phoenix bulbs in now + 2 brand new in boxs), Tunze Turbelle Stream Kit TS24 2-Stream 6100 & 7095 multi controller, ¼ chiller with new controller, Euro-Reef RS-135 skimmer, 2 Phos Ban Media Reactor by Two Little Fishes with pump (1 for carbon 1 for phosphate), insump pump for chiller, American Marine ph monitor, American Marine thermometer with 2 wireless temp gages for sump and aquarium, SpectraPure Maxcap RO/Di system model MC-RODI-90-20 with auto top off for refigum float and automatic system, Plus more pumps, hoses, chemicals, test, kits everything that I have for the tank, 200 lbs Live Rock corline covered lots of pods, 4” sand bed, many different types of zoas, several yumas, mushroom polyps, tube anemone, 100-200 blue leg and sacarlet hermit crabs, Hippo tang, Powder blue tang, Scorpus tang, Orange Fin Tomini Tang, Niger Trigger, 2 clown gobies, Coris wrasse, Green banded goby, many other inverts and stuff I bought that I don’t even remember, I would like to try and sell as a package, 2,500 obo I have well over 6,500.00 into this tank, if interested e mail me at 727 481 2035