For Sale: 29G Tank, like new canister filter, New bag ofSand


New member
I'm under "orders" to make some closet space before going ahead with a new build.

So here goes.

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$15: 29 Gallon, rear painted black. About 5 years old, used on and off as a holding tank, never seen any medication. Its display days are gone but still in good condition.

$20: Brand new 30 lb bag of Tropic Eden Mini Flakes, Good Deal for this pricey Sand.

$75: Like new, used under 6 months, Marineland C-360 Canister Filter. Great size to load with tons of media. Silly to keep for my 10g quarantine, according to you know who.

$90 for it all, and delivery within fairfield to new haven.
Thanks Charlene, I try :D

Stan, the sand is called mini flakes and is small grain sand. Tropic Eden makes 5 sizes, there is only one finer/smaller size.

If its ok, Ill put you first in line for the sand but would like to give it a few days and see if someone could use the whole shibang.