For sale: 40G Breeder drilled w/ 29G Sump and stand


Comes with both tanks, screen top for the 40G. Stand and all the plumbing with return pump. Overflow is a Gl*******s overflow in the back left corner. Background is painted black. Tank has sand and live rock that go with it. Some misc hermits and maybe snails in there still. Has a mag float algae scraper.
The tank has been neglected as I set it up about 2yrs ago right before my son was born so needs a good cleaning as it has algae. A good scrubbing of the sides should be good.

I also have this LED light which i'll sell separate for $100 or maybe a bit less with a package deal on it all. OR Arctic S026


Willing to make a deal for everything that is left as i'd like to get this moved. Wife wants it out. :)
Just sold it on Sunday and forgot to update this, sorry!

I still have JBJ ATO with Quiet One pump for $50 and the OR light for $90