For Sale: Aqua-C Urchin Protein Skimmer


New member
I have a well used Aqua-C Urchin protein skimmer for sale, $30. This skimmer retails for $165, Pages/Urchin.htm
but mine has some flaws:

- Does not include the Maxi-Jet 1200
- Does not have the black rubber gasket used to set the cup height, but I doubt you will need it, I always left the cup at the bottomed out lowest setting even before the gasket broke.
- Has two repairs: The previous owner broke the collection cup at the neck, and repaired it with a mix of superglue and silicone. Additionally, a small piece of the lip of the collection cup was broken, and repaired with superglue.

So yeah, she has been well used, but it still works great. I have used this skimmer in my sump on my 54G corner for over a year.

Retails for $165. Considering the repairs and no pump included, asking $30 or best offer.

- Jack
Yes, but it would need to be used in-sump. Most people don't have sumps on a 20g, but if you do, then yea, it would work great. I had an AquaC Remora on my 24g nano for a long time