For Sale Clams, LPS and Zoas oh my


Active member
Well with my new 75 I am going with a virgin set up all i will be tranfering are my sps. In the next few weeks i will have more and more stuff for sale including about 70lbs of liverock with some sick sps encrusting on it. I have no bugs or any worms or anything bad but i do have RED TURF ALGAE. As you all know this stuff loves ULN systems so there is very little that can be done to get rid of it but since most of you have it already no biggie. ok so here we go Clams first

Black Zebra mazima 2 1/2 inch $150 ( yup the one that sells for over 500)

gold maxima 2" $20

Bear claw/ hippo clam 3 1/2" cool wierd clam not seen too often $35 starting to get the blue dots on it.


A very nice scolly 3" $100

nano lobo 1" $10

aussie lobo 2 1/2" $30 lost alot of color under too much light here it now
this is what it used to look like so it can get the color back

Strawbrerry Wines 4 large polyps 2 babys $20

A new type of Zoa I collected that i have not seen in the hobby irredecens is sick cant capture it in a photo 2 polyps $20
ill take the 2 zoas! and i would have taken the golden maxima if harry backs out! :D and maybe the zebra. hold it for me and ill let u know by wednesday?
so here is whats left oth LPS are still for sale and the back zebra maxima is on hold untill wednesday.

harry got the hippo clam and the gold maxima

afernandez got the scolly

THEDLO got the 2 zoas and holding the black zebra maxima untill wednesday

please let me know how you want to handel pick up or i can always bring them to the meeting sunday.

Got one more thing for sale. The "reaper" he has done his job and now needs a new home where there are fish that cant fit in to his mouth. I payed 56 for him he's yours for $30
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i can stop by after the meet and pick up.. if thats cool that way its not out of tem for too long . i can pay pal or cash at the meet how ever you want .