For Sale High End Equipment


New member
I was planning to build a new tank, but my new job demand so much time that i have to stop this hobby for a few years
Selling list:
_Brand New 3 x radion G3 XR30w Pro = 700/each + 0 Tax
_Brand New Vectra L1 = 400 + 0 Tax
_Brand New 2 x Vortech MP40 QD = 300/each + 0 Tax
_Brand New Aqua UV sterilizer 57 WATT without wiper = 400 + 0 Tax

Or all of the above for 3400 + no Tax

I also have a USED Apex system. used for 2 weeks, mint condition, perfect working condition. bought 549+tax : selling 500 + 0 Tax

Or you can buy all these items for just 3900 + 0 Tax (everything I list above)
I paid 4,754.47 for these :(. My loss is your gain.

Well, if you go to a store, you will have to spend something like (749x3)+449+(349x2)+439 = 3833 + 8.5%+tax = 4158.80 (not include the APEX yet)

Again these are brand new high end. not something you will find on sale half price next month

Why i keep mentioning about Tax, because you have to pay them when you buy something new, but i paid them already so you can save some money + plus some discount on a BRAND NEW ITEMS (except the apex)

Please contact me at 9167539074. Pref Text
Please don't text me something like "all these for 2k, 2.5k, 3k?" guys I lost a lot money without even use them. I lost receipt, the LFS only let me take store credit but I need the cash now :facepalm:

I prefer sell everything at once. If you pay 3900 for the items, I will throw a bonus :fish1: for you: about 5 inch Purple tang in my QT tank. got him from Aqua Life in Rocklin. The fish stayed at the store for 10 days before I pick him up 3 days ago. He eats like never eat anything before. :lolspin:

Thanks for reading
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Pump...Need to get rid of them
3 radions, 2 vortech, 1 vectra, 1 uv light (all new)
and Apex (mint)