For sale SPS frag


New member
Hey guys i got a little spa pack i just put together. I just cut it 2 days ago, so it will need a few more days for it to be ready tobe picked up. The price on it is $150 for all 10 frags.
Front to back
1 Teal echi
2 Asd grape vine obsession
3 Miyagui tort
4 CC fireball
5 Garfs Bonzai
6 Purple Planet
7 Darrins Bonzai
8 Oregon Tort
9 PC Raimbow
10 Unknown acro
Thanks let me know
nice pack Jorge tank is looking good, someone is going to be adding some nice colors to the their tank.
cool man, the Oregon Tort you have listed is actually the Cali Tort, can't believe no one bought this pack yet