FOR SALE: Tanks & Misc items


New member
Starting to clear out the basement. Will have various other items available once we get a chance to inventory and price.

72 gal bowfront, standard lighting, lids, 4' rectangular cherry stand with mirrored top. $150.00

NEW 180 gal Oceanic, standard lighting, lids, drilled. Never used. $950.00

NEW ProCalcium Reactor Model PCCR with RLT 20 Iwaki pump-highest quality reactor available, includes unopened aragonite $1000.00

NEW Iwaki RLT 100 pump $250.00

Red Sea Skimmer-Berlin-with new pump $75.00

Aqua Controller II (back lite display-lab grade probes) $300.00

Aqua Controller Pro $750.00

Iwaki MD-70 pump $175.00