??? for the Tang Police


New member
Ok I have a kole tang in my 92 reef and was wondering how horrable it would be to put my purple in their also? Now the purple is in my 90 FOWLR and thought the reef would look real nice with him in it.
thanks:bum: :bum:
I dont think it would be too bad if they have plenty of swimming space and the purple left everything alone. They can be pretty mean from what I have heard.
when it does get bigger you might want to look into a 6ft tank but your 92 for a purple or a kole is dueable for now..
Someone called for me? i think you can put them together but i woudnt be surprised if it didnt work out. If you can re-arrange your rockwork to give them both a fresh start IMHO. Let us know how it goes good luck
Thanks all, I am moving my reef to the living room and plumbing everything to the basement, so I figured I would add him when I do the move.