For those who QT their fish....


Active member
Although this place is a ghost town these days. Curious to know how you guys qt your fish.

Do you add meds right away or have them already present when the fish is added? Do you do any baths prior to adding?

What meds do you use and why? Do you run them all at once or do you start with 1 and then the next after X amount of time?

Do you take different steps if you have a fish that your already know likely has a parasite already before even adding it to the QT?

Thanks in advance
Hey brother I'm glad to see I am not here alone. I am curious to find out more about QT myself. Although, I now buy only from one guy that has very high standards for this hobby, but I am always down with learning and I refuse to migrate to FB.

I will probably be the last one here and I will turn the lights off if and when I get out of the hobby. :)
Yea I'm strict to buying fish from John only currently but any extra steps to prevent loss will help. I went fishless 2 months ago and want to do things right when I add more again.

Researching gets frustrating cause I mainly find stuff on how to set up a qt and what to use but not the steps on how to use one or 3 meds lol
I intend not to medicated unless necessary. QT for 4 weeks and observe for 20 minutes daily. Most common issues are gill flukes, intestinal issues, ich, and velvet. Prazipro (2 doses) handles flukes if there's any flashing or head shaking, metro soaked food every other day for 2 weeks at the first sign of intestinal issues, ttm for ich, never dealt with velvet, I understand CP treats it but it's expensive and I don't keep it on hand.

There can also be bacterial issues or other parasites, imo those are less common and a fish that eats for John and in your qt is unlikely to have those.